

This disclaimer applies to the website of Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg on the Stakenberg Estate.

The website of Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg

Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg appreciates your interest in our hotel and your visit to our website. Although the information on this site is always as accurate and current as possible, changes in price, offers, facilities, images or other information on this site are reserved at all times. No rights whatsoever can therefore be derived from the contents of Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg's website.


All rights and copyrights to the contents of this website, namely all texts, images, software, or information in any other form, belong to Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg. Information on this website, regardless of its appearance, such as text, images or software, may not be modified, reproduced, transported or distributed without the prior written consent of Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg.

Viruses and security

The Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg website is regularly checked for computer viruses, but the absence of viruses that could affect the operation of your computer and/or software cannot, unfortunately, be guaranteed. This website may also contain links to non-Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg websites. Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg is in no way responsible for the content or use of these third-party websites, or for any consequences of visiting a website linked to this site.

Collection of data

During a visit to this website, so-called 'cookies' may be placed on your system. These cookies enable Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg to collect non-personal information, such as the browser version and the IP address that is assigned by a provider. This information enables Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg to tune its website to the wishes and preferences of its visitors. If you do not want Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg to use cookies, you must set your browser to "cookies off" or click the "cookies off" button. Turning off cookies may limit your use of our website and services. For more information about cookies, we refer you to the cookie page.

Your questions, suggestions and comments

Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg does not wish to receive any confidential information via this website, or any information that is protected by copyright or otherwise by you or by third parties. Any information, in the form of suggestions, ideas, etc., which Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg receives from you will be regarded by Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg as non-confidential and free of proprietary rights. Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg reserves the right to use, reproduce, modify, demonstrate, transmit and distribute the information sent by you for any purpose.

E-mail sent by Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg

Information sent by Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg by e-mail is intended solely for the addressee. Use of this information by parties other than the addressee is not permitted. The reproduction, disclosure, distribution and/or provision of this information to third parties is not permitted. Veluwe Hotel Stakenberg is not responsible for the correct and complete transmission of the content of any e-mail sent, or for its timely receipt. No rights whatsoever can be derived from the information sent to you.

Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry

The Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH) are the terms and conditions on which hotels, restaurants, pubs and related businesses in the Netherlands provide hospitality services and enter into hospitality agreements. For more information about the UVH , click here.